Giving your audience total control – How transforming a smart phone into a remote control heightens engagement

Key features

Universal Accessibility: Remote interaction via smartphone, reducing maintenance.


Enhanced Hygiene: Less health risk as users don’t physically touch the screen.


Personalized Interaction: Familiar, easy navigation using personal devices.


Privacy and Immersion: Personal devices allow for private audio experiences.


Valuable Insights: Tracks user data for insightful analytics.

How do you communicate a game changing smart home solution when your audience fear the complexity of the technology and don´t understand the value and benefit for their everyday life?

Smart home technology has proven to be a difficult sell, with customers scared of the complexity, whilst struggling to see the value and understand the benefit. Heimgard wanted a solution that would not only educate their customers but do so in an engaging and interactive way at exhibitions and tradeshows around the world. 

Heimgard approached Glitch at the end of 2021 to create a marketing solution for both industry exhibitions and online use that would reflect the functionality of the Heimgard smart home and app. With the challenge set, Glitch and Heimgard dived into unchartered territory, pioneering a new marketing tool that put Heimgard’s customer in control of their own marketing journey. 

Take full control with your phone

We proposed capitalizing on the one thing we all have in our pocket – our mobile devices. Through scanning a QR code displayed on a TV screen, the audience member now took complete control of the “Olsen family’s” Heimgard smart home, peeking into their home life and understanding how each Heimgard smart device added value and comfort to their digital world.

This first-of-a-kind marketing tool would give the user autonomy over their own experience, allowing them to explore features and areas of interest while audio and narration would play directly out of their phone, allowing for a level of engagement difficult to achieve in a noisy exhibition hall.

”Giving the user control over their own experience, enabled by ground-breaking technology, makes for a level of engagement that has a more impactful and longer-lasting effect”
-Benjamin Noble – Glitch

Creating the Olsen Family

Bringing the Olsen family to life was crucial, otherwise the audience was exploring a sterile home with a layer of clever smart home technology. We worked with several character animators to carefully craft the family, and the various nuances found within a family – from movie nights to chaotic cooking which all help bring a degree of relatability to audience members who are peeking inside this bustling family home.

About Heimgard

Heimgard is the largest Nordic developer of connected smart home solutions. With their revolutionary all-in-one Wi-Fi and smart home hub, Heimgard are redefining the entry point and lowering the threshold for every home to be smart.

Technical framework

Creating the experience technically was a challenge Glitch overcame through a period of research and development resulting in various off the shelf technologies being deployed to give a seamless and smooth experience. 

The result was a dynamically created QR code being generated after each use, which gave a single user complete control of that particular screen for the duration of their experience. After they had finished, or had become idle the experience would reset and a new user would be able to connect to the screen.

All of this was achieved through connected websites, and because the experience was launched from the user’s mobile phone we had the opportunity to prompt them for contact information and track their usage for customer data purposes.

The Heimgard Interactive smart home experience was launched at the end of May 2022 at Eliaden – one of Norway´s largest trade fairs. The response was overwhelmingly positive, both internally at Heimgard and with their customer base. 

Designed with modularity at its core, the experience allows Heimgard to present new products and features as needed – making it an effective marketing tool for now and years to come.

Collaborating with like-minded people with a penchant for innovation is what really drives us at Glitch, and it has been such an inspiring journey to work with Heimgard and break new boundaries together.

“Glitch have given us a versatile tool that speaks right to the heart of our customer’s needs, efficiently communicating the value and benefits of our smart home solution.”
-Solfrid Harbu – Chief Marketing Officer